
Ariel Marken Jack lives in a crooked house in the mouth of a river with their spouse, a liquorice jelly bean and a miniature demon masquerading as a pair of cats, and an undisclosed number of houseplants and musical instruments. They write short fiction, nonfiction columns about short fiction, and interviews with other writers. Their writing may be found in a range of Canadian and international literary magazines and anthologies. They have recently completed the manuscript for their first short story collection, which is on submission to its first round of potential publishers. Their literary work has been supported by generous grants from the Canada Council for the Arts and Arts Nova Scotia.

Ariel Marken Jack author photograph
Ariel makes their home in rural Nova Scotia. They visit the ocean as often as possible to commune with their seaweed kin. When not writing, they spend their time making pickles and sourdough breads, tending to their slowly-growing hedgerows and raised beds, and playing the guitar.